Detection training old
Maximum K9 Detection Services has a strong background in K9 detection training and working with detection dogs. Joseph Secreti got his start in detection training with Amdetech K9 detection company in 2011, where he was responsible for training, certifying, and maintaining up to 40 detection dogs at various stages of training. He has experience bringing along explosive, narcotic, and bed bug detection dogs from initial imprinting of odors to preparing the dogs for a third party certification. Joe has handled for K9 Port Security for the Waterfront Commission of NYC, Disney and Carnival Cruise lines, and as a contract handler for Amdetech where he performed sweeps of cabins, vehicles, cargo, luggage, and personnel. Maximum K9 has its own K9 Detection company, Maximum K9 Detection Services, that serves home and business owners, school districts, private flights, cargo, and high net worth clientele such as those in the entertainment industry and royal families.
We are proud to offer K9 detection training if you are interested in having a K9 member on your security team.

Dog Selection:
Before the start of your detection training we must evaluate the dog to ensure that they have the qualities of a successful detection dog. If you do not have a dog, we would be happy to help you find one. While our selection process is based on the dog’s individual traits, we often work with Labradors, Dutch Shepherds, Kelpies, Belgian Malinois, Beagles, and German Shepherds. The average cost of a green (partially trained) detection dog is $2500. Detection dogs must be environmentally sound with a high prey and hunt drive. It is also important to make sure the dog is healthy enough to perform the job.
Maximum K9 detection offers courses for handlers and dogs in explosives, narcotics, bed bugs, and any other scents you may need to be aware of such as allergens. We utilize the latest methods for preparing K9 teams for a working environment. Our typical detection program is a 2 month board and train program during which you will be brought in to learn to handle the dog properly. At the end of the program, your dog will be prepared to be certified by a third party organization. All certifications are given using live odors.
We also offer a maintenance program to assist in the upkeep of training and preparation for annual recertifications.
The first phase of our detection training process is odor recognition. We introduce the dog to one scent at a time, then teach the dogs to alert to the odors. We use a passive alert unless an active alert is needed for the job. Once the dog knows the odors and is indicating consistently, we introduce distraction odors and hide the imprinted scents to make them harder to find. Our programs include a great deal of socialization, obedience, and environmental desensitization to ensure the success of your detection dog. We will bring the dog to various locations and teach them to search buildings, vehicles, baggage, and people in new environments to help them understand that they need to do their job wherever they go
Handler Course
40 hours
At the Maximum Canine Facility
Cost: $2000
Handlers will learn the proper techniques to care for their K9 partners and work them safely. We will also teach basic obedience training, detection training, search patterns, scent theory, and safe handling of all odors.
Narcotics Detection
6-8 Week Board and Train
At the Maximum Canine Facility
Cost: $5500
Explosive Detection
6-8 Week Board and Train
At the Maximum Canine Facility
Cost: $5500
Bed Bug Detection
6-8 Week Board and Train
At the Maximum Canine Facility
Cost: $5500