Group Dog Training
Group dog obedience training will help form clear and consistent communication between dog and owner.

Group Obedience Training
Group obedience training at Maximum Canine is a good option for those that are looking to progress their training skills while benefiting from the questions and experiences of others in the dog training group classes. Group obedience classes give clients the opportunity to hear answers to questions they may not have thought to ask.
We will lay a foundation of clear and consistent communication while helping you build a bond with your dog that makes training together a reward in and of itself.
About Our Group Obedience Dog Training
Our Level 1 Basic Obedience class is the perfect introduction for dogs to learn the basics of our communication style and start the process of learning the foundations of obedience. Using marker training, you will learn to teach your dog basic commands:
• Sit
• Down
• Place
• Loose leash walking
• Recall
• Polite greetings
• The value of engagement
Trainer: Katie Lopez-Ortiz
Basic Obedience Training Pre-requisite
A brief evaluation at our facility is required to ensure there are no inappropriate behaviors that would be dangerous or disruptive to the class.
Our Level 2 Intermediate Obedience is designed to build upon techniques learned in Level 1 and work toward fine-tuning your dog’s obedience. We will work to increase your dog’s understanding of training by expecting behaviors with less handler help and under higher distraction.
The class culminates in the A.K.C. Canine Good Citizenship (CGC) test.
The AKC CGC test is designed to replicate things that your dog would need to do in pet-friendly, public areas such as polite greetings, loose leash walking, reaction to distractions, and more.
Trainer: Katie Lopez-Ortiz
Intermediate Obedience Training Prerequisite
Trainer approval AND one of the following: Level 1, private package, or board and train.
Our Level 3 class meets at different, pet-friendly locations every week to help your dog learn to work around new distractions in new environments. Dogs often struggle to generalize information from one location to another so bringing them to a variety of environments helps them understand appropriate behavior in new situations.
Trainer: Katie Lopez-Ortiz
Off-site Obedience Training Prerequisite
Trainer approval AND one of the following: Level 2, private package, or board and train.
Our level 4 class is an advanced version of our Level 3 Off-site Obedience Group Training class.
Trainer: Katie Lopez-Ortiz
Off-site Obedience Training Prerequisite
Trainer approval AND one of the following: Level 2, private package, or board and train.
Our precision handling class focuses on sport style obedience similar to styles found in:
• competition obedience
• A.K.C. Rally
We will teach you how to work with your dog in drive (the unconscious, biological desire to engage in certain behavior) to channel your dog’s energy into productive goals. We will introduce advanced obedience exercises such as:
• focused heeling
• out of motion exercises
• position changes
• crisp (decisive/without hesitation) obedience
Trainer: Joseph Secreti
Precision Handling Training Prerequisite
Trainer approval AND one of the following: Level 2, private package, or board and train.
If you're looking to have fun with your dog while building advanced skills and strengthening your bond, we have the perfect class for you! We are now offering a Freestyle Obedience class: a unique opportunity to focus on advanced obedience, freestyle moves, and fun trick behaviors such as center, orbit, and more. It's the ultimate way to challenge your dog's mind and body while continuing your training journey together!
Pricing for Maximum Canine's Group Obedience Packages
Includes 55-minute sessions for 8 consecutive weeks .
Includes 55-minute sessions for 8 consecutive weeks.
After the conclusion of your lessons, your trainer will evaluate your dog in order to determine eligibility for Lifetime Class.
Includes 55-minute sessions for 8 consecutive weeks.
After the conclusion of your lessons, your trainer will evaluate your dog in order to determine eligibility for Lifetime Class.
Includes 55-minute sessions for 8 consecutive weeks.
After the conclusion of your lessons, your trainer will evaluate your dog in order to determine eligibility for Lifetime Class.
Includes 55-minute sessions for 8 consecutive weeks.
After the conclusion of your lessons, your trainer will evaluate your dog in order to determine eligibility for Lifetime Class.
Includes 8 One Hour classes
Limited to 6 people per class