K9 Detection Consulting and Partnerships
We have multiple options for partnering with Maximum K9 Detection.
Why You Need a K9 Security Team
Since 2010 the security industry has been booming, and it is expected to continue on this rising path for many years to come. The growth of the private security sector is largely due to a few main factors, one of them being a shift from standard approaches to criminal activity to one of preventive, proactive measures.
Another factor is that many of the roles traditionally held by police officers are being filled by private, skilled security professionals. With many communities undergoing cutbacks to their law enforcement personnel, positions involving event security and private and public property patrols have fallen under the realm of private security and for-hire security guards.
An additional factor is the increasing threat of international and domestic terrorist activity. Terrorism has hit home hard and the threats are increasing. The security sector must get involved and help prevent these acts.
If you are operating a private security company, you have a responsibility as a security provider to offer the most effective, respected, and efficient protective service available to your customer base. If you are currently looking to include a narcotics and/or explosive detection service, a comprehensive K9 security team will bring a valuable, additional layer of security to your clients. Security dogs extend protection beyond human limitations.
A properly trained K9 team is statistically more than 90 percent reliable, incredibly cost-effective, and offers time savings valued by all industries. This added service also creates a line of defense that presents a physical deterrent, which mitigates risk against criminal acts.
The use of explosive detection machines along with K9s is most efficient and provides the most reliable multi-layered approach in conducting explosive searches.
The benefits of having a K9 team as part of your organization are numerous but do not come without a cost. To have a fully functional K9 team, you must have a proper understanding of the K9 needs and the proper integration into your work plan.
The selection of the proper dog to fit the specific job and environment at hand is critical. Having the K9s and handlers trained, maintained, and regularly certified is a must. Proper feeding, socialization, medical, housing, and physical interaction is needed to make highly trained dogs thrive and perform to a maximum potential.
How Maximum K9 Can Help Your Business
Maximum K9 Detection Service offers two options to help build your new K9 detection division. Examining your needs, resources, and business plans will determine the best fit for your company.
Create a Security Partnership
The first option is for your security firm to form a partnership with Maximum K9 Detection Service. This is a third party service agreement.
This agreement is set up so that your firm will continue to have 100 percent customer relations, having total control of your customer base. Your firm will market your new service as your own. Maximum K9 Detection Service will fulfill the work contract and present themselves to your client as your company’s K9 detection division. Maximum K9 Detection Service will be compensated based on the agreed upon non-compete contract.
In this option, Maximum K9 Detection Service will handle all costs involved in maintaining, training, certifying, and compensating both K9s and handlers.
Maximum K9 Detection Service will also assist your company in setting up a strategic plan for the implementation of K9s in your operations.
Build Your Own Security Dog Team
The second option available is for Maximum K9 Detection Service to assist in the integration of your own in-house K9 detection team. If your firm has the resources and need for a full time K9 team, Maximum K9 Detection will help in every step of the process.
We can help with:
• dog selection
• odor imprinting
• training (including environmental training, obedience training, preparation for certification, maintenance and K9 handler courses).
If you are a Security Company that does not offer a K9 service and are looking to expand, or you are looking for more training on your current team, contact us for additional information.