Narcotics Detection Services

It’s unfortunate, but substance abuse and drug addiction are on an upward climb in the United States. With this recent uptick, Maximum Canine’s Narcotics Detection Services has never been more important. We offer canine narcotics detection for families, business owners, schools, public events, airports, hospitals, and more.
Once the property is vacated, the handlers do a walk-through with you and identify concerns you may have. Then we walk our K9s through the property. Our teams are expertly trained to do our jobs quickly, efficiently, and most importantly, accurately.
It is quite common for family and friends of ill loved ones to be suspicious of hidden drugs. Sometimes suspicion needs to be followed by decisive action in order to help our loved ones. Maximum K9 Detection Service can conduct a confidential, non-law enforcement search of suspected areas which can either confirm or alleviate your suspicion, providing you with peace of mind.
Our goal is not just to give you peace of mind, but also to be discreet when doing our searches, so that all involved are comfortable and do not feel threatened in any way. We believe the results of our searches can help start the process in providing the care and assistance for your loved one’s recovery.
Our narcotic K9 detection teams are available for contract to search private and public businesses. Maximum K9 Detection Service understands the health and safety issues regarding narcotics in public facilities. Providing a drug free workplace is a critical component in limiting liabilities and maintaining efficient productivity. Conducting periodic narcotic K9 searches will not only detect existing contraband, but also serve as an effective deterrent against future narcotics on the premises.
The use of drugs can cause behavioral problems, crime, violence, lawsuits, and even tragic death. A drug-free zone starts with a clean campus. Hiring a K9 drug detection service serves as a proactive approach in minimizing the risk of illegal drugs on school property. Our contract program schedules regular visits at times requested by the educational institution. The regular scheduled visits can prevent and deter drug use, resulting in a safer environment for students and staff.
K9 Narcotics Detection Service
Drug arrests now account for a quarter of the people jailed in America, but drug use rates have remained steady. This drug abuse epidemic affects us at a local level, and directly impacts our family, friends and businesses. To assist in the ongoing “war on drugs,” we must take an aggressive approach at the community level. Family, friends, coworkers, and employers represent the first line of defense when faced with an illegal drug issue. We cannot wait for the government to handle this mammoth problem. We must seek and utilize any and all tools available to us at the micro-local level in this battle. Maximum K9 Detection Service has certified narcotic K9 teams available for contract to the community. We have programs catering to small and large businesses, private residences, schools, and all private and public facilities. Our K9 handlers and drug dogs are available for use in the NY tri-state area. Our handler-K9 teams are trained and certified to detect:- Marijuana
- Cocaine
- MDMA (ecstasy)
- Heroin
- Methamphetamine
We are not law enforcement
Our contract is bound by a confidentiality agreement that keeps any findings discreet and strictly private. In the event of an alert, the K9 handler will notify you of the suspected location of the drug. Maximum K9 Detection Service will not take any further steps after detection has been made. We are not affiliated with any law enforcement agency. Therefore, any law enforcement notification or involvement will be left to the client’s discretion.WHAT HAPPENS DURING a K9 Narcotics Detection Search
A homeowner or legal representative requesting a narcotics search must provide Maximum K9 Detection Services with permission to access the private residence, or public institution of any kind. Once we have permission, all pets (regardless of the type of pet) need to be escorted from the property, which is necessary so they do not interact with our canines.Once the property is vacated, the handlers do a walk-through with you and identify concerns you may have. Then we walk our K9s through the property. Our teams are expertly trained to do our jobs quickly, efficiently, and most importantly, accurately.
What if our K9s smell narcotics?
If it so happens that your suspicions are correct, and our narcotics K9 detection dogs do indicate they have located narcotics, the handler will mark the spot and verbally let you know. We don’t seek out the drugs, nor do we discard them. We simply detect them. Again, we are NOT law enforcement.Private RESIDENTIAL NARCOTICS DETECTION Services
Maximum K9 detection service has narcotic K9 detection teams available to search private residences, automobiles, or any specific areas that are believed to be a location of hidden illicit drugs. This program was designed to help family and loved ones with drug issues, so they may get a second chance before entering the criminal system or even worse.It is quite common for family and friends of ill loved ones to be suspicious of hidden drugs. Sometimes suspicion needs to be followed by decisive action in order to help our loved ones. Maximum K9 Detection Service can conduct a confidential, non-law enforcement search of suspected areas which can either confirm or alleviate your suspicion, providing you with peace of mind.
Our goal is not just to give you peace of mind, but also to be discreet when doing our searches, so that all involved are comfortable and do not feel threatened in any way. We believe the results of our searches can help start the process in providing the care and assistance for your loved one’s recovery.
Since everyone’s safety is our number one priority, our K9 narcotics detection team doesn’t just visit residences. Our drug sniffing dogs for hire also service various types of businesses, including hospitals and rehabs, along with schools. Just like with our residential house visits, our K9 drug units search commercial buildings, schools, universities and public events, with discretion. We’ll inform you of our findings so you can take the logical next steps.Workplace service
It is the right and responsibility of business owners to work hard and to make sure the business is competitive, profitable, and safe. One of the most disturbing and damaging forces in the workplace is employee drug abuse. Maximum K9 Detection Service can help you discover if anyone is putting your company in jeopardy.Our narcotic K9 detection teams are available for contract to search private and public businesses. Maximum K9 Detection Service understands the health and safety issues regarding narcotics in public facilities. Providing a drug free workplace is a critical component in limiting liabilities and maintaining efficient productivity. Conducting periodic narcotic K9 searches will not only detect existing contraband, but also serve as an effective deterrent against future narcotics on the premises.
Rehabilitation facilities
Maximum K9 Detection Service has narcotic K9 detection teams available for contract to search rehabilitation centers, clinics, hospitals, and halfway homes. We understand the safety needs of both staff and those recovering in treatment facilities. Our K9 detection teams can integrate with your current security process. Our contract program schedules regular visits at times requested by the facility. We keep searches discreet and do not interfere with daily treatments. This program maintains compliance and serves as a strong deterrent for concealing drugs on premises.Schools and Universities service
Maximum K9 Detection Service has narcotic drug dog teams available for contract to search public and private school systems, college campuses, dorms, and supporting facilities. Drug abuse on school grounds presents a danger and liability.The use of drugs can cause behavioral problems, crime, violence, lawsuits, and even tragic death. A drug-free zone starts with a clean campus. Hiring a K9 drug detection service serves as a proactive approach in minimizing the risk of illegal drugs on school property. Our contract program schedules regular visits at times requested by the educational institution. The regular scheduled visits can prevent and deter drug use, resulting in a safer environment for students and staff.