Virtual Dog Training Classes
Our Virtual Dog Training can be customized based on your goals for your dog.

Virtual Dog Training
Maximum K9 Service is excited to offer a variety of training and educational programs to assist dog owners and professionals. We offer flexible virtual dog training options to fit all training needs from puppy and house dog training to sport and working dog training.
About Our Virtual Dog Training Classes
We can customize our programs based on your goals. Once you purchase a virtual training option below, we will contact you within 48 hours to schedule your appointment.
• Current clients that need additional assistance
• Owners that cannot attend training sessions in person
• Owners that live too far to come for training
• Professional trainers that are looking for a second opinion or help with training
• The opportunity to show specific behaviors that occur at a time or location that we cannot observe in-person
• Owners who want to help with housebreaking, puppy training, and puppy proofing
• Anyone who needs assistance with dog selection for working or sport prospects
• Dog Owners who need help understanding training tools and uses
• Those seeking group education for businesses and schools
• Anyone who seeks food and nutrition guidance
• Anyone seeking health and fitness guidance
Phone conferences are useful for those who do not require a visual training session but have questions or concerns they would like to address. The trainer will be able to help trouble-shoot problems, answer questions, and create a training plan.
Video conferences are done via a video chat app–such as Skype or Zoom–and allow trainers to:
•evaluate a dog’s needs
• come up with & execute a training plan
• aid in the dog selection process for working and sport prospects
Trainers will be able to coach you step-by-step and assist you in real time to reach your goals. These sessions can be done as stand-alone lessons for those that are unable to train with us in-person; or, these sessions can be done as a supplement to your training sessions with us in our facility to help troubleshoot problems you may be having when working on your own.
Please fill out our Evaluation questionnaire and submit prior to your lesson time.
Virtual workshops are live, online, group meetings done on the Zoom app. Our programs can be tailored to suit your needs but our popular programs are:
• dog training basics
• basic aggression handling
• kennel management
The kennel management option can be used to assist in the operation of:
• doggie daycares
• rescue facilities
• boarding facilities
• veterinarian offices
• animal care programs