This high-caliber training creates a well-behaved dog and an extremely close bond between you and your dog.

IGP Dog Training
IGP (IPO/Schutzhund) is a challenging sport consisting of three phases: obedience, tracking, and protection. It was originally developed as a breed test for the German Shepherd but has grown into a popular sport for all working breeds. IGP is still used as a breed tests for working breeds, including the Rottweiler, Doberman, and German Shepherd. Trials are held in various countries at the club, regional, national, and international levels. In Germany, the Bundessiegerprüfung is held each year, and there is also a world championship, WUSV, held each year under FCI international rules.
Some people believe that the protection aspect of IGP will make their dog aggressive to people, but this is largely untrue. IPG does not change the dog’s inherent character: dogs that are not aggressive to people do not suddenly become aggressive after IGP training; a dog’s socialization, training, and genetics determine whether the dog is aggressive.
IGP is not a gentle hobby and requires a great amount of dedication, time, and consistency; it also requires a dog that has the proper genetics and athleticism to work at such a high level. The team should be directed by an experienced trainer who has trialed multiple dogs to different levels. The decoy used in protection should have the experience to help the dog by creating a challenge without causing the dog to shut down or develop bad habits.
About IGP Training
If you are interested in this exciting sport, please schedule an evaluation with Joseph Secreti. If you do not already own a dog that is capable of competing, Joe can assist you in finding a puppy, green dog, or titled adult. Maximum Canine has dogs available with the right temperament and drive to work from the US and Europe.
• BH – basic obedience and temperament test
• SchA – obedience and protection onlySchI – first level
• SchII – second level
• SchIII – top level
• OB I,II,III – separate obedience titles
• TR I,II,III – separate tracking titles
• IPO 1,2,3 – international IPO degree (International Prüfungsordnung)
• FH I,II – advanced tracking titles
• WH – watch dog title
• AD – endurance title (for breed-worthiness)
• Various Breed tests also have portions of IPO work such as the ZTP, BST, and WAC tests
Introduction to IGP will introduce you and your dog to each phase of the competition: tracking, obedience, and protection. If you are new to IGP or are looking to gain experience prior to joining a club, this program is for you! You will learn how to build drive, play with your dog in obedience, position your dog correctly, begin bite work, and lay and run tracks.
This program is held in the facility and at local fields so that your dog learns to work in different environments. After this program, you will have a clear understanding of what you need to work on to continue on to trials.
The goal of Beginner IGP is to increase your dog’s drive for all three phases of the sport and help you further your education. At the completion of this program you will be familiar with the BH routine and laying tracks; your dog will have a basic understanding of running tracks and a good foundation in grip and sleeve work.
Following this program, you are welcome to attend our IPO group classes or private training as needed.
The Maximum Canine IGP group class meets 1-2 time per week to work on protection and obedience. The location of the class is determined by the weather and what spaces are available on that day.
If you would like get a jump-start to IGP training, we offer custom board and train options to give your dog the proper foundation.
Many breeds require a test to ensure that breeding dogs are held to quality standards. The ZTP, WAC, Breed Suitability Test (BST), and other breed standard tests evaluate dogs’ character, conformation, temperament, courage and require health certifications. These tests have a conformation critique, obedience routine, environmental test, and a protection portion; they often have a minimum age requirement as well as a BH requirement.
The purpose of the breed tests is to determine whether the dog is up to breed standards. These tests require a great deal of training and preparation. Maximum Canine offers private training sessions, as well as board and train options to help you succeed.
Pricing for Maximum Canine's
IGP Dog Training
All IGP Dog Training requires pre-requisites and an evaluation from Maximum Canine's Owner, Joe Secreti.
Prerequisite: Basic obedience & a dog that has the required work drive.
Prerequisite: Completion of Introduction to IGP.
Prerequisite: Completion of Introduction to IGP and Beginner IGP or a dog of same skill level with trainer approval.
Lessons are done at our Maximum Canine facility and outdoor fields.